Thursday, October 21, 2010

Second Half Suggestions

I have decided to keep the topic Videoconferencing for the reminder of the semester. However I felt I have shared alot of information. I would like you guys to tell me something about Videoconferencing you would like to learn and also share any information that you still might have questions about . I want to make my blog as useful and helpful as possible. This information will help me prepare for future post!


  1. It's good for your sharing the information. Our group or someone entered your blog. I believed that anyone who could use some or adapted to the task or work. There are a lot of information about Videoconferencing. You can post more indentify the type of Videoconferencing and how use it.

  2. I know that MSN has a feature of videoconferencing. I would like to know about that because we use MSN a lot in Thailand.

  3. I think it will be useful if you provide some simple program that can use as video conferencing like Ornisa said about MSN. how to use it and make it more efficient for education.

  4. Joe, I am interested in finding out creative ways that organizations are using video conferencing to provide training and professional development to their staff members.

  5. Thank you all for your input, i hope i can answer all address all these issues during the reminder of the semester.
