Thursday, October 28, 2010

"ooVoo" Video Conferencing

In one of my earlier blog post I introduced you to "Skype Video Conferencing". ooVoo is very similar to Skype in fact many prefer ooVoo over Skype, they both have a lot of similarities. I currently have Skype but after visiting the website I'm considering switching to ooVoo.  Below is the website to ooVoo I hope you explore and able to learn something new.


  1. Wow! ooVoo is very interesting video conferencing software but I wondering how to called it? I have looked at ooVoo website and I found that it can make a group video chat with up to 6 people at once! That is wonderful ^^ Especially,it's free. Isn't it?

  2. Joe, you intend to search more information and type of this tool. It's great. There is benefit for you because you are considering to use it.

  3. Joe,

    This is so interesting-thanks for sharing. I've never heard of ooVoo but after looking at the site, I might need to try it! I noticed they offer screen sharing which is very useful for collaboration- does Skype offer this as well?

  4. Thank you Joe for introducing this tool. I've never heard it before and I will try and tell my friends. I should have bought a web camera.

  5. Joe, have you been able to try ooVoo? I have never used either, and would like to hear from others what their experiences have been.

  6. Leigh I tried it last week on a friends account i really did like it however im not sure if i will be make the move just yet!

  7. Ornisa,
    Please do tell me what you think of it once you try it.

  8. Jenn,
    Skype does so offer screen sharing this is one of my fav tools for photo sharing.

  9. Benjamas,
    Yes it is free, the site says that up to 6 people can chat at once.
