Thursday, September 23, 2010

Free Videoconferencing (SKYPE)

Skype is one of the top ways that people or staying connected these day. It is free of charge and easy to set up. All you need to get started is a web cam and computer. It has many features such as  friends list, the ability to make voice call with videoconferencing, and the ability to make conference call with multiple people. This can be beneficial in many ways, it also has many other features. I have attached a link for you to check out.


  1. It's great. Skype seems easy to use e.g.
    Talk face-to-face with friends, family and colleagues. In addition,can speak to anyone in the world or calling other people on Skype so we can talk whenever we want to.

  2. I've used Skype to speak with my family in Mexico City and a professor in Nigeria. I've also used it very successfully with my MBA cohort where we shared work and hosted meetings. It works really well with video. Based on its accessibility, is a this a popular tool for athletes to use?

  3. Hi Joe,
    I heard a lot about Skype but I've never used it. I know that it is much cheaper than making an international phone call.

  4. Joe, a colleague of mine used Skype (the audio part only) to call home (New York state) from Thailand this summer, and it was free for her. I should have done the same, since the phone calls definitely were not free!

  5. I have used Skype to speak with my sister while she away from home. Skype is a fantastic software because it is a free phone calls and we can use it as a video conferencing as well.

  6. Joe i really enjoyed your video on skype. I have used it a few times to talk to friends that were abroad. I also thought a cool thing about skype is that my friend could call me from her skype account on her computer and i could answer on my cell phone.

  7. I find Skype to be great, i talk with family members all the time using it. I also have had group meetings using it.

  8. Skype has become an excellent tool to stay in touch with family and friends. The use of skype has recently become very popular. Skype is cheaper then placing long distance telephone call. I wonder if they will start charging users for long distance? Or just charging users to use in in general.
