The next best thing to being together for an instructional session is to review mechanics, protocols, practice sessions and personal performance progresss via live video teleconferencing.
CA has teamed up with the number one video conferencing telecommunications company to offer our Members and session attendees the new IRIS 3000 video phone.
Simply plug it into a broadband internet connection and within mnutes you're able to make local and long-distance calls free of charge via VOIP connection.
The high-resolution, 7 1/2" screen is adjustable to capture pitching motions and face-to-face consultations equally well. You can even plug it into a larger screen (TV OR computer monitor) to watch the action on a big screen. The phone can also act as a digital picture frame.
We've used this system with our athletes headed off to college or professional assignments, and often find their parents taking advantage of the ACN family calling plans to stay in touch. Even a busy 12 year old can easily use the system to "brush up" on techniques learned in Symposiums or Pitcher-Prep programs. We think of it as high tech meets high touch, and appreciate ACN in assisting us in further innovating our coaching tools.